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New Inverter

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One of the things I did during the initial build was to use a fairly cheap MSW (Modified Sine Wave) inverter. At the time I didn’t really know what type of devices I would end up wanting to power. I picked up an induction cooktop for times when we don’t want to light up the butane burner and we found it worked really nice on shore power. The only problem was it didn’t want to run on the MSW inverter. So I decided to get a Pure Sine inverter from KISAE. We did go down to a 1000W model from the 1500W MSW I had installed, but again for our needs it seems fine. Now the induction cooktop works fine as long as you don’t run it on high and the water kettle for coffee continues working as before. The nice thing is the new model fit into the same location and same cutout I had made already. Whew.

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